Saturday, May 16, 2009

Victory Lies Ahead

People ask me all the time-where are we on God’s calendar? We are on the cusp of the greatest days in history! That means it is the best of times; it is the worst of times. God is trying to get America’s attention, and he will with economic trouble. If that doesn’t work, He will tighten the vise with terrorist activity and the collapse of the American dollar. But what we must understand is that his mercy is full. He is tired of the drugs, the pornography, the lewd sexual events, the casualness with which men handle religion, the sin! It has reached his nostrils. He is going to do something about it. And what he will do won’t be pretty, but it will be efficient and thorough. It will put men on their knees. Of course, men have been saying this for years. The difference is that now it is coming home to roost. We are actually seeing the first stages of God’s dealing. This is not recession. This is not depression. It is the dealing of God in America. We will not buy our way out of this. We will not bargain our way out. The only thing we can do is pray our way through to the other side where victory awaits the people of God. On that side will stand saints who are ready to deliver this world from the bondage of corruption. On that side stand saint s who are ready to let the captives go free. We have to get to the other side which means wading through the Jordon at floodtide, so to speak. But, past the raging waters of this present moment there are victories for the people of God, if we can stand until the indignation be over-past. Get through this present moment; victory lies ahead!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Graduation - May 2009

On May 9th of this year the first graduating class of Declaration Ministries passed through the graduation line and received their diplomas. It was a glorious day for all to see these launched into the ministry. There were 9 graduates in the first class, an inauspicious little beginning but we are expecting great things as the school grows and other students joins the ranks of those who are preaching the Gospel. We were also able to recognize three great older warriors for service Dr. Doyle Stanfield, Rev Wayne Robertson and Rev. Elvin Willett, men with 183 years between them in ministry. It was a glorious day of rejoicing as family and friends joined with the graduates and faculty wishing them all the best as they started into the ministry. Those graduating were, Shirleen Atkins, Linda Hayes, Wanette McQuitty, Emmett Atkins, Dean King, Matthew Webb, William Wiley,and Johnny Hayes.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Busy Weekend - Graduation and Licensing

We have had a busy weekend around here. On Saturday, we traveled to Georgia for graduation services for some of the Declaration U students.

Then, on Sunday we had a licensing and ordination service for some of the members of Declaration Ministries.

It has been a busy and blessed weekend.