General info about Panama
In case you didn't know....
- The US dollar is the currency.
- Panama has two seasons- the ‘dry” season and the “green” season. The dry season is from mid-December until May and green season from May until December. “Dry” means it rarely rains.
- Size: 29,208 sq. miles, about the size of North Carolina
- Panama is on EST from October to April and CST from April to October when daylight savings goes into effect in the States.
- Panama’s position as a narrow land bridge connecting two continents has endowed it with some of the world’s most pristine and biodiverse rainforests. It’s national parks cover five million acres. One key indicator of its biodiversity: Panama has 944 recorded bird species, more than the US and Canada combined. One of the most exciting aspects of nature hiking in Panama is the many kinds of animals that can be readily seen: monkeys, sloths, the tropical neque and gato solo, alligators, armadillos and an unparalleled variety of birds.
- Panama Weather forecast for this week:
Saturday 84 ° 77 °
Sunday 82 ° 77 °
Monday 82 ° 77 °
Tuesday 80 ° 77 °
Wednesday 80 ° 77 °
- Panama has:
- Beautiful beaches along 1000 miles on coast on both oceans and on fifteen hundred islands with hardly a soul in sight.
-Seven living Indian cultures with their own unique legends and traditions.
-Forty-eight fascinating historical monuments.
-954 bird species in vast National Parks