Tuesday, January 06, 2009

About Declaration Ministries

Declaration Ministries was the ministry outlet of George McDowell Sr. and George McDowell Jr which they founded in 1997. It is a fellowship of ministers and churches.

Part of Bro McDowell Sr’s vision was an association which both recognized ministry as well as served as a resource for them. Declaration Ministries now has ministers around the country and around the world. To serve as a resource for these ministries a website was created for their use. This website is a portal of information, supplies, support and much more. Additionally, all information for Declaration Ministries can be found through this site. It serves as a logistical base of communications and information transfer for missionary outworking and education throughout the world.

Declaration Ministries offers a broad spectrum to the ministry community.

· Ministry Association – A place where ministers and Christian leaders of all denominations can find resources, support and fellowship.
· Ministry licensing – For the beginner through the college trained education
· Home school – Anywhere in the world through Declaration Christian Academy
· Training - leadership training - on site and online
· Post Secondary Ministerial Training – Online curriculum
· Church Establishment – building and supporting New Testament ministries
· Mission work – Leading & supporting mission teams
o Africa
o Pakistan
o Panama
o Honduras
o Venezuela

All this and much more was part of Bro McDowell’s vision. Truly the world was his pulpit - a vision that he caught at Holmes Bible College and never let go of. Anyone who remembers Bro. McDowell remembers that he carried cards in his pocket with people’s addresses on them. That was because people were his life. We want to remember not only him but the work he began and the lives he influenced.